Are you interested in becoming a Parent Governor?
We are inviting parents, guardians and carers of registered pupils to put their names forward for election to serve as parent governor of this school. We have one vacancy at the moment.
The governing body is responsible for both the conduct of the school and for promoting high standards. The governing body carries out its role by setting the vision for the school and then ensuring that the school works efficiently and effectively towards achieving its vision. It does this by building a thorough knowledge of the school and its community, by both supporting and constructively challenging the school, and by ensuring accountability and compliance. The governing body of our school is made up of parent governors, staff governors and co-opted governors.
The governing body is asking you to nominate someone with parental responsibility for a child at the school. If it receives more than one nomination, than a ballot will be held.
For more information on the responsibilities and duties of a parent governor please read the information attached below.