Equality and Diversity

The Equality Act 2010 combined nine separate pieces of legislation into one single Act simplifying the law and strengthening it in important ways to help tackle discrimination and inequality.

The Act introduced 9 protected characteristics;

  • Age
  • Disability
  • Gender reassignment
  • Marriage and civil partnership
  • Race
  • Religion and belief
  • Sex
  • Sexual orientation
  • Pregnancy and maternity

As a school we do not prejudice and are fully inclusive and supportive of our whole learning community.

We use a range of picture books to highlight these protected characteristics. They cement and role model positive attitudes through high quality, enjoyable stories. In addition to this, we use ‘Picture News’ to draw our children’s attention to current affairs. 

Objective 1: Eliminating discrimination

To develop the provision of PSHE and RSE in order to embed a clear understanding of the protected characteristics at an age appropriate level.

Why we have chosen this objective: To ensure that our pupils are well-prepared for an ever-changing and diverse society and that they consistently display the core value of ‘respect’ in their interactions with other people.

To achieve this objective, we plan to: Embed the equality values throughout the curriculum and our wider provision.

Progress we are making towards this objective: Opportunities to discuss the protected characteristics have been identified in the long term PSHE planning. Whole class evidence books are used to keep evidence of discussions in these lessons. Regular opportunities are planned for discussion around the protected characteristics during assembly and reflection time.

Objective 2: Advancing equality

To ensure that the curriculum celebrates the diversity not only in our community, but across the UK. To develop a curriculum where all children are represented and that they develop a greater understanding of diversity through the texts that they read and share.

Why we have chosen this objective: The Avenue is a predominantly white, British demographic. We aim to increase our pupils’ understanding of diversity, ensuring that children from all background are represented.

To achieve this objective, we plan to: Review the curriculum, ensuring representation of different cultures and backgrounds.

Progress we are making towards this objective: Curriculum leaders have started to review our curriculum offer.

Objective 3: Fostering good relations

We aim to develop and foster relationships with others that are from a contrasting community.

Why we have chosen this objective: We want them to develop links and learn about how life is different in other parts of the area and country.

To achieve this objective, we plan to: Involve the school council in driving the initiative.

Progress we are making towards this objective: Collections for food and clothing banks, Salvation Army, and other national charitable organisations e.g. Children in Need and Comic Relief


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