How are children prepared for a digital future?
At The Avenue Primary School, we use computers and associated technologies to enhance our curriculum to help the children to learn key skills for life. Computing is now an essential part of daily life, both at home and at work. It is our duty to prepare the adults of tomorrow with essential computing skills today.
How is Computing taught at The Avenue?
We follow the National Curriculum programmes of study through our scheme of work devised and supplied by Purple Mash. Classes are timetabled for a minimum of one computing session per week with our iPads/Chrome books. Students and staff can use this technology to enhance the quality and provision of their cross-curricular learning within different foundation subjects.
The Purple Mash scheme of work includes opportunities for children to use different computing software within their learning. Children learn skills across a range of topics including coding, emailing and publishing. There is also opportunity for them to develop and refine other computer skills such as typing, word processing, data handling and creating and editing different forms of media files
An example of a Year 2’s computer coverage

How do our children stay safe online?
The children, guided by the staff, are actively engaged in using the internet in an effective and responsible manner including how to keep safe online, how to protect personal information and how to respond to cyber-bullying. Adults model expected behaviour on a daily basis and we have high expectations of behaviour and responsibility of both our staff and our children.
E-safety is embedded in our computing scheme of work as well as safeguarding and computing policies. It is also a focus during E-safety Week, various assemblies throughout the year and our PSHE curriculum. More information about online safety is included in the safeguarding section of the website.
For further information regarding the Department for Education Key Stage 1 and 2 Computing Programmes of Study please see document below
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Department for Education Key Stage 1 and 2 Computing Programmes of Study | Download |