
At The Avenue Primary School, writing opportunities are linked to topics from the Cornerstones Curriculum, meaning all writing is cross-curricula and develops subject knowledge in the foundation subjects. A range of genre, increasing in breadth in Key Stage 2, are taught in all year groups, encompassing a variety of fiction and non-fiction text types.

Handwriting is taught discretely throughout school and high standards are promoted and reinforced in all written work. In Early Years children are taught and practise correct letter formation. By year one, a pre-cursive, unjoined style is adopted to prepare children for year two, when they will be expected to develop a joined, cursive script. Children in lower Key Stage 2 can earn a pen by maintaining high standards of joined handwriting and by upper Key Stage 2, the expectation is that all children are writing carefully enough to use pen.

Spelling, punctuation and grammar are taught both discretely and as part of writing sequences. Spellings rules from the National Curriculum are taught and spelling lists are sent home for children to learn.

Children are expected to take responsibility for improving their own work, with verbal and written guidance from teachers. The editing process is modelled in all year groups and children present improvements and redrafted sections in green pen.

Writing is widely celebrated across school in the form of writing displays in every classroom and a ‘Writing Star of the Week’ award that is issued by class teachers and presented in assembly.



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